Are You Listening To Your Heart?

It’s been said that we teach what we need to learn and so I write not as someone who has it all figured out, but rather as someone who has spent many years communicating with Angels who have shared these messages over and over again:

LISTEN to your heart. Listen to your feelings. And that means ALL of them.

It is true that we are divine beings having a human experience but we ARE human!

In much of the spiritual community, there seems to be a confusing separation between our divinity and our humanity because many have deemed the spectrum of our emotions as ‘wrong’ or ‘negative’, when in truth, it is those we deny or hide that become our greatest burden and the pain ends up having far more power over our lives than when we allow it to come to the surface.

So pay attention, acknowledge what is present and embrace it all – embrace everything that makes you human because you are indeed here on Earth for a purpose.

Yes you are! We all are. One that is multi-layered, unique and found once again in the whispers of the heart. We search for our purpose, thinking that once we find the answer – that thing we are meant to do – we will find peace.

But as we look around, comparing ourselves to others, deciding what we think we ‘should’ be, we are rarely fulfilled and more often than not, exhausted by our efforts to fit in with the crowd.

Listen! What makes you feel alive? What makes your heart sing? Follow whatever it is that brings YOU most joy and share it with others because it is this sparkly passion that lights up the world and makes more of a difference than you can ever imagine!

And remember that whatever you do you are NEVER alone. We live on this planet with almost seven billion other people and are connected to an infinite source of divine love and support. We are not meant to struggle. Reach out for help and ask for what you desire. Say yes to all the blessings that are available to you and let yourself RECEIVE!

Why? Because you deserve it!

Why? Because you exist!

It is that simple. You do not need to pretend, or push, or prove anything. There is nothing you need to do or not do to be more or less worthy. You are loved unconditionally without exception. Forget trying to be perfect and know that right now, you are perfect as you are.

If you’re anything like me – and yes, as I said, I am learning too – your mind may drift into every reason that this isn’t so, but if you can take a deep breath and look yourself in the eye with half the compassion and acceptance you so easily offer your best friend, then you’re well on your way to recognizing the truth of who you are.

Whether you can or not, it’s OK. Just listen. Listen to your heart. Trust your own journey; trust your music. And be REAL. The rest is just details!

With love,

Anna and the Angels