Thirty Three Things I’ve Learned

For the past couple of years, before my birthday, I’ve written what I’ve learned, or at least been more reminded of in my recent journey. So here we are again. Thirty three has been good to me. Many lessons. Many blessings!

My love to you all.


1) All of us chose the perfect body for our purpose. Including me.

2) That doesn’t mean I’m totally OK with not being able to run and jump around sometimes. And that’s OK, too.

3) I have a book in me. I have several books in me.

4) And they will be shared and supported in perfect timing.

5) When I hear someone’s voice I hear who they are.

6) The Angels never cease to amaze me.

7) People are far more interested in whether you’re willing to truly listen to them than what qualifications you have.

8) Sweetness is sexy.

9) So is sensitivity.

10) Beautiful friendships with open-hearted people can form very quickly.

11) I rarely see some of the most important people in my life and will never complain about technology for being the reason I can communicate with them daily.

12) I absolutely know what true love is because of my friendships. But I’m equally impatient to share it with someone who is more than a friend.

13) Some of the things that terrify people come easily to me.

14) But I am still scared of driving and won’t learn. If you knew my sense of direction and spatial awareness, you’d understand why.

15) I am so not a multi-tasker but that doesn’t mean I can’t do a lot.

16) Life is confusing. And very clear. All at the same time.

17) I find it difficult to resist bread if it’s put in front of me.

18) I always want to resist exercise but am always grateful when I actually do it.

19) I do not like green smoothies or green tea, no matter how much I try them.

20) Whatever I charge for my services, there will always be those who disagree. My value is up to me.

21) A sense of humour is essential.

22) Never assume people know how you feel. If you want them to know, tell them.

23) I am a very emotional person but I am not someone who can cry and still manage to look or sound pretty. If I cry, it’s rarely a tear or two.

24) I need my own space more than I thought.

25) I am both more silly and more shy than most people think.

26) Some days I listen to a song over and over again and it makes me feel better.

27) Music changes people’s lives. Never underestimate it.

28) Or kindness. It costs nothing but could mean everything.

29) We live and die when we are meant to. Even if it makes no sense.

30) Worrying never helps anything.

31) Praying for what you want, as if it’s already here, does.

32) My favourite moments in life are never grand but a little pampering is definitely good for my soul. They don’t call me the Queen for nothing!

33) We are so much more than our circumstances and rising above them is a conscious choice at every moment.

The Angels’ Voice: A Message for Messengers

Today, I write to acknowledge the voice that says I cannot. The incessant, nagging voice that has become increasingly loud at the first sign of an opportunity to share my writing more publicly. The voice that tries to convince me that there is nothing I could write that hasn’t already been done, and that even if there was, it could be far more eloquently and skillfully expressed by someone with a college education or at the very least, more experience of writing – and of life.

It is a hesitant, anxious voice that pulls me back to a time when I fully immersed myself in creativity, only to be exposed to a barrage of criticism and judgement. The voice that even pulls me away from sitting here, giving me countless reasons why I should divert my attention to something else more important. It is almost paralyzing in it’s assault, which only enforces the feeling that I am unqualified and incapable…

However, as I give this voice some space to air itself, I feel another warm, friendly tone rising up above the fear. The voice that reminds me, as it always does, that comparing myself to anyone or anything is completely unnecessary and who I am, the road I’ve travelled, and what I’ve learned along the way is unique; that as I show up, authentically as me, those who are drawn to my energy and my perspective will show up, too. Whether that be one, or a thousand or even a million people is not up to me, but it is up to me to decide to be the messenger I have always known myself to be. This soothing voice, fills me to the brim and coaxes me into remembering that this sense of purpose, this calling within my heart, is the only qualification I need. So all I have to do, as this moment proves, is to be REAL because the quest for human perfection is the number one reason for procrastination and inactivity. And, as if to lift me from my slumber, the voice gently repeats a truth I’ve heard many times: I am, as every other soul is, Divinely perfect. And this is my message. This is THE message within my writing here and maybe the only message there ever truly is: I am enough. We are ALL enough.

This is the voice of love, this is the Angels’ Voice. I am listening. I am allowing. I am sharing. I AM.


*Inspiration is inspiration. It is not logical or planned. It is spontaneous and magical. It is not to be justified or explained, because some things are just unexplainable. Except that it can make the non-sensical seem like the most sensible and only thing left to do. And turn an ordinary person, place and moment into the most extraordinary hero, journey and gift.

©Anna Taylor

*This paragraph was written in 2011