Grief and Gratitude

This morning, my shower was once again my sanctuary. As the water ran over my tired body, tears also flowed as if they finally had space to be set free. I thought of the people in Nepal whose lives have literally been shaken up and torn apart in a matter of seconds; of the after shocks that must be rippling through their land and their hearts; of the unimaginable pain and fear they must be going through. I inhaled and called upon God and the Angels to help them and then me, so that I didn’t feel so much. But in that same breath, I stopped myself.

‘Why not feel it? Why not feel the pain for a moment, whoever it belongs to?’ I thought. As a sensitive person, I am acutely aware of how important it is to stay in my own energy and not to carry other people’s pain but in this case, I wanted to stay with it. To allow my beating heart that was One with everything to just feel what it felt.

As my mind was flooded with images of the devastation in Nepal, and other places I could not name, I could barely think straight. It was unimaginable, even though it felt like part of me had been transported there. It all happened very quickly but I sent as much love as I could and soon, the pictures altered to remind me of those closer to home. The grief of losing a child, a sister, a partner; those who had lost their hair, their limbs, their money, the life they once knew. It all came rising up. My heart ached for them, and suddenly myself, as my own grief surfaced in the tears. Tears that I could not run to lift my nephew up yesterday when he wanted a hug; for the times that will happen over and over again, for the kind of passionate love I am yet to experience, for the touch I am yet to know, for how it all feels so far away. For the way my teenage years were spent being in pain every day; and how I have to think so much about whether I can travel to London tomorrow to see a friend because I can’t just jump on and off a train or a tube like hundreds of others do. For all the things I have missed out on and those that might always remain a dream. And, and, and…

I began chastising myself for being so self-pitying when I was enjoying a hot shower in a comfy, safe home. I do not have a life-threatening illness, I have not lost a child, nor was I in Nepal. My feelings seemed a little ridiculous at first. But grief is grief. How often do we stand in judgment of ourselves or others rather than remembering how alike we all truly are — how we are all doing the best we can with what we know? And honestly, what I know right now is that it doesn’t serve anyone — least of all ourselves —  to compare anything or to belittle our feelings. They matter. Because we matter.

I do believe that everything happens for a reason. But I also believe that some things may never make sense. I do believe that life is amazing and there is so much to be thankful for but it is also HARD and to deny that is to be a robot. I don’t want to be a robot, I want to be a human. I want to be REAL. I want to be surrounded by others who show me who they are, too. Including their tears. To me, that’s when I get to bear witness to how beautiful and brave they are.

And so, I believe that grief and gratitude are not exclusive. They can walk hand and hand together in our life experience. In fact, I think allowing ourselves to ride the waves of human loss, to break down, to fall apart, to allow ourselves to be cracked open, so to speak, is actually what makes way for a deeper sense of gratitude and faith. It is the reason I do what I do, the reason why I celebrate life as much as I can because I know how painful the flip side can be. It is the reason why some of the people I love most have epic stories of triumph in adversity, because I am drawn to that same fire behind their eyes that says ‘I survived. I now choose to live and I will not waste a moment.’

So whatever you feel, feel it. Give yourself permission to go into that place where you’re mad, sad and heartbroken, even for a few minutes. That is where healing begins, even when we least expect it. Even in the shower on a Sunday morning with the Beatles playing on the radio.

My love and prayers are with you all. Whenever you are in the world.


Thirty Three Things I’ve Learned

For the past couple of years, before my birthday, I’ve written what I’ve learned, or at least been more reminded of in my recent journey. So here we are again. Thirty three has been good to me. Many lessons. Many blessings!

My love to you all.


1) All of us chose the perfect body for our purpose. Including me.

2) That doesn’t mean I’m totally OK with not being able to run and jump around sometimes. And that’s OK, too.

3) I have a book in me. I have several books in me.

4) And they will be shared and supported in perfect timing.

5) When I hear someone’s voice I hear who they are.

6) The Angels never cease to amaze me.

7) People are far more interested in whether you’re willing to truly listen to them than what qualifications you have.

8) Sweetness is sexy.

9) So is sensitivity.

10) Beautiful friendships with open-hearted people can form very quickly.

11) I rarely see some of the most important people in my life and will never complain about technology for being the reason I can communicate with them daily.

12) I absolutely know what true love is because of my friendships. But I’m equally impatient to share it with someone who is more than a friend.

13) Some of the things that terrify people come easily to me.

14) But I am still scared of driving and won’t learn. If you knew my sense of direction and spatial awareness, you’d understand why.

15) I am so not a multi-tasker but that doesn’t mean I can’t do a lot.

16) Life is confusing. And very clear. All at the same time.

17) I find it difficult to resist bread if it’s put in front of me.

18) I always want to resist exercise but am always grateful when I actually do it.

19) I do not like green smoothies or green tea, no matter how much I try them.

20) Whatever I charge for my services, there will always be those who disagree. My value is up to me.

21) A sense of humour is essential.

22) Never assume people know how you feel. If you want them to know, tell them.

23) I am a very emotional person but I am not someone who can cry and still manage to look or sound pretty. If I cry, it’s rarely a tear or two.

24) I need my own space more than I thought.

25) I am both more silly and more shy than most people think.

26) Some days I listen to a song over and over again and it makes me feel better.

27) Music changes people’s lives. Never underestimate it.

28) Or kindness. It costs nothing but could mean everything.

29) We live and die when we are meant to. Even if it makes no sense.

30) Worrying never helps anything.

31) Praying for what you want, as if it’s already here, does.

32) My favourite moments in life are never grand but a little pampering is definitely good for my soul. They don’t call me the Queen for nothing!

33) We are so much more than our circumstances and rising above them is a conscious choice at every moment.

Thank You, Pain

Most of you know by now that I truly believe in the power of gratitude as a conscious, daily practise. For me, it is the quickest way to shift my mood, to change my life – to create miracles!

However, I know that while it is easy to say THANK YOU for joy, peace and excitement, what about the rest? Can we be thankful for the less obvious good? Even if it broke our heart…open? We needn’t deny our hurt and disappointment in the process but in my experience, it is often the most challenging moments that reveal the true strength and power of our Spirit, and remind us of who and what truly matters.

For those reasons alone, I find myself grateful and forgiving, not just today but many times over.  It is, as I said, a daily practise for me and not always easy to remember.

The following words flowed through me a couple of years ago and though it was written to express my own feelings, I am sharing it with you now because it’s is essentially about this very topic – about focusing on my huge blessings in disguise  –  and you may relate to it, too.

THANK YOU for being here and reading about life and love as I know it (now)!



I am thankful for the words that hurt me,
and open a wound to bleed.
I am thankful for the tears I cry,
and how they set me free.
I am thankful for eyes that show me,
and the truth I begin to see.
I am thankful for the ways I love
and the heart I wear upon my sleeve.

I am thankful for the scars that mark me
and remind me I am whole
I am thankful for my heavy metal
never recognized as gold
I am thankful for every story
and the lies both bought and sold
I am thankful for the time that wasn’t
and those that couldn’t ever know

I am thankful for the ties that break me
and prove to me I’m strong
I am thankful for the chance to choose again
when the rest is all but gone
I am thankful for all the bruises
that breathe life into my song
I am thankful for the ways I love
and for the me I can become…

© Anna Taylor 2012


The Angels’ Voice: A Message for Messengers

Today, I write to acknowledge the voice that says I cannot. The incessant, nagging voice that has become increasingly loud at the first sign of an opportunity to share my writing more publicly. The voice that tries to convince me that there is nothing I could write that hasn’t already been done, and that even if there was, it could be far more eloquently and skillfully expressed by someone with a college education or at the very least, more experience of writing – and of life.

It is a hesitant, anxious voice that pulls me back to a time when I fully immersed myself in creativity, only to be exposed to a barrage of criticism and judgement. The voice that even pulls me away from sitting here, giving me countless reasons why I should divert my attention to something else more important. It is almost paralyzing in it’s assault, which only enforces the feeling that I am unqualified and incapable…

However, as I give this voice some space to air itself, I feel another warm, friendly tone rising up above the fear. The voice that reminds me, as it always does, that comparing myself to anyone or anything is completely unnecessary and who I am, the road I’ve travelled, and what I’ve learned along the way is unique; that as I show up, authentically as me, those who are drawn to my energy and my perspective will show up, too. Whether that be one, or a thousand or even a million people is not up to me, but it is up to me to decide to be the messenger I have always known myself to be. This soothing voice, fills me to the brim and coaxes me into remembering that this sense of purpose, this calling within my heart, is the only qualification I need. So all I have to do, as this moment proves, is to be REAL because the quest for human perfection is the number one reason for procrastination and inactivity. And, as if to lift me from my slumber, the voice gently repeats a truth I’ve heard many times: I am, as every other soul is, Divinely perfect. And this is my message. This is THE message within my writing here and maybe the only message there ever truly is: I am enough. We are ALL enough.

This is the voice of love, this is the Angels’ Voice. I am listening. I am allowing. I am sharing. I AM.


*Inspiration is inspiration. It is not logical or planned. It is spontaneous and magical. It is not to be justified or explained, because some things are just unexplainable. Except that it can make the non-sensical seem like the most sensible and only thing left to do. And turn an ordinary person, place and moment into the most extraordinary hero, journey and gift.

©Anna Taylor

*This paragraph was written in 2011

The Greatest Love Of All

Today, I was looking through some old channelled messages from the Angels and found this very personal one from September 2008. Part of me began to wonder if I have come any further along the proverbial road of ‘Self Love’ since then. But I KNOW I have. Simply because of what I have allowed into my life and what I now believe to be true about myself. It is just appropriate to be reminded of this again, on the eve of what I call ‘Love Day’. Let’s peel another layer and LOVE ourselves more, OK?

Love to you!

I was going to bed the other night, thinking about how I feel about myself and how IN THE PAST my own self esteem issues have blocked me from what I want most in life (ironic really!) and the Angels said:

“Do you remember just how PERFECT you are?” 

“Umm, yes”, I said….

The Angels said “Your version of perfect is quite distorted. The world in which you live strives for the kind of perfection that is never fulfilling, or isn’t until you really get the meaning of what we see as perfection – that is YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD. THERE ARE NO MISTAKES. 

“Yes”, I said. I know that. “I’m just trying to really GET it.”

“We know. But remember not to make it too complicated. Just be. Just let yourself be who you are. Take time out for yourself, honour your own space, your own desires, your dreams. We know that you do this but for some reason you do all of that and then get caught up on the outer appearance of everyone else and try to compare it with others. Who said that walking as “they” do is best? It’s just different Anna, and you know what we say about different. That different is different only to remind others that in truth EVERYONE is the same. 

“So why do some people not see that?” I said.

“Because some people are trying to look outside themselves for the Divine. And even you are to a certain point, Anna. Because if you truly remembered who you are then your body would just feel like another amazing divine part of you and those people that decide to announce how different you are, are just there because you choose to hear them.” 

“So what do I do now?”

“You are doing well, Anna. We see you honouring yourself so much more. We see that you are finally beginning to welcome your body as part of You. And it is not ALL of you but it is a precious gift that you have given yourself. You’ll see. But now you must do your best to take the word “compare” or “different” out of your vocabulary. And in the mean time, not care about the reactions of others. Maybe, when someone “notices” you, you could see it that you are just allowing another to see how unique each one of you is. For all you know, those people that stare and ask about you could, like you, be helping to change Earth’s perception of “perfection” – one person at a time. So thank God for that. Thank yourself for that. Because the You that decided to come to Earth this way, knew what You were doing…”

“OK, yes, that’s a good reminder. I did. Not easy. But I do remember that. It brings tears. But I think it’s because I remember. So what about the visions I’ve had of me dancing? I saw myself running on a track last week. How does that fit in with it all?”

“That fits because it is the truth. Because you CAN do all those things. And ARE already in many ways. But again, just not in ways that you (or others) might expect. And you receive those visions as a reminder that your prayers ARE heard and answered. Just because you chose your body as it is now, it does not mean it cannot change as you remember more of who you are. BUT dear Anna, remember, when you are running, dancing and all of that you are not MORE perfect! Because you cannot be MORE perfect. You are as you are!”

“Thank you. So if I chose my body for particular reasons, it’s OK to want to be “freer” in those ways now?”

“Yes, Anna. It is always OK. You are always free to change and choose again. Especially if it brings more peace. There is just no pressure from us. And those who truly love you will love you anyway. But as we’ve said, it’s most important for you to LOVE YOU no matter what! And THAT is what inspires another. And, if that feeling and knowing leads to you experiencing that “change” in your body so you ARE more able to dance and run as you desire, then that will inspire another too. But let yourself inspire yourself first. Be your own inspiration. That is the true miracle. To remember who you truly are…..we see you, we know you. 

It was one of those moments that helped kick my ego out for a while and remember what matters! I love those Angels for loving me. It’s good for me to be here in this moment. I AM feeling good about ME. Ahhhh, another layer……another step closer to, as Whitney Houston says, “The Greatest Love of All”. May we ALL feel that Love and in turn, change the whole word…”

14 Ways To Make 2014 Fabulous!

Are you ready for a brand new year?! I am! Here are some tips from me to help you make 2014 your BEST year yet!!

14 Ways To Make 2014 Fabulous!

Be CLEAR – Be clear about what you want and then ask for it! As the saying goes, if you don’t ask you don’t get. So spend time contemplating your true desires and set your intentions accordingly. When you are clear, miracles are set in motion!
DREAM BIG – You are a powerful manifestor who deserves all the blessings in the world! The only limits are the ones you place on yourself. Your dreams are yours for a reason. So visualize them, believe in them and let go of how they might come true! God and the Angels will handle that!
LISTEN – If prayer and intention is asking, meditation is listening. Take time out of each day, even five minutes, to consciously connect with God, your Angels and your higher self. You needn’t be still or in total silence to do so – if walking or dancing or singing expands your awareness, then do that. But listen – to your inner voice, your gut and to the repetitive, inspiring thoughts you receive. This is your guidance, your connection to an infinite source of Divine wisdom. Trust it!
COMITT TO YOUR DREAMS – It’s important to ask for what you want but if you are not focusing your time and energy on the things that matter to you then you’re giving mixed signals. Say YES to what you want by taking guided action towards it!
ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT – Apart from asking God and the Angels, who are always there to support you, you are also one of seven billion people on the planet, with unique gifts that can assist and make a difference to eachother in many, many different ways. You are not meant to struggle alone. Allow yourself to RECEIVE. When you do, you have even more to give!
TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY – Your body is the reason you can be here on Earth and it is a precious gift. Instead of focusing on shape and size, honour your body by treating it well. Eat and drink healthily and pay attention to anything it needs, including whatever exercise is right for you and plenty of rest. If you feel great, you always look great and shine from the inside out!
SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT YOU – You can tell a lot about someone by the friends they have, so be honest with yourself about the company you keep. Are they really true friends? Spend time with people who are happy to celebrate your good times and who are there to comfort you when you’re having one of those days. If these kinds of relationships are something you are manifesting more of in 2014, see the tip below!
BE WHO YOU ARE – You were born to be YOU so trying to be someone other than who youreally are does not work, even if it might seem easier. It may mean saying goodbye to people and situations that no longer resonate with who you are, but when you are unapologetically you, everything flows and any void you may’ve created by letting go, means you can attract the people and situations that are for your highest good!
MAKE PLEASURE A PRIORITY – People pleasing is draining and exhausting and you cannot be the source of anyone else’s happiness. So please yourself! Embrace your sensuality and your passion. Do the things that make you feel excited and wonderful without guilt or hesitation and in turn, you will inspire and uplift others because your passion is your purpose! You are meant to live joyfully!
FORGIVE – Be willing to forgive yourself and others. We all make mistakes and we are all doing the best we can with what we know. Some things may seem easier to forgive than others but remember forgiveness does not mean condoning someone’s actions, or even welcoming them back into your life, it means deciding to let go of the toxins and the pain you are carrying about the situation. You cannot change anyone but yourself. So by forgiving, you are releasing the past and freeing up space for your dreams to come true!
LIGHTEN UP –  Don’t take life too seriously. It is an experience. And never underestimate the power of laughter. It is the best medicine and literally lightens your energy! Watching funny movies or playing games with children are sure ways to make you giggle!
TRY NEW THINGS – Life is full of opportunities and going  to a new place, learning a new skill, or doing something you’ve never done before may mean pushing past your comfort zone but it could end up being the best decision you’ve ever made, or the answer to your prayers. If not, then that’s OK. You can say you did it. But if you don’t take the leap, you’ll never know!
BE GRATEFUL – Taking time to recognize all the blessings already in your life is the quickest way to raise your vibration and lift your mood, therefore opening you up to even more good! No matter what you are going through there is always something to be grateful for. You may even decide to keep a gratitude journal and write three unique things you are thankful for each day. It’s an amazingly simple yet profound practice.
SAY I LOVE YOU – When you say those words and mean it, you change the world. Why? Because love is who you are and when you express that love, when you share it with another, you are acknowledging the Divine truth of All That Is. Especially when you look in the mirror and say ‘I love you!’ You are entirely loved and loveable exactly as you are. Choose, right now, to begin to see the amazing, powerful, beautiful soul that is YOU and 2014 promises to be the best year ever!!!
I’m with you all the way and look forward to sharing more with you this year!
Much love and thank you for being here,
Anna and the Angels

Your Sensitivity

Hello lovely people,

These words flowed through me this morning and I wanted to share them with you as my first blog in a while!

Your Sensitivity

Never let your sensitivity stop you. Let it become your super power.
Never let your sensitivity stress you. Let it be felt as the strength within you.
Never let your sensitivity silence you. Let it be heard in your song and your story.
Never let your sensitivity scare you. Let it be known as your sacred gift.
Never let your sensitivity separate you. Let it be felt as the sexiest thing about you.
Never let your sensitivity shrink you. Let it be reason to shine in all your glory.

With much love,


©Anna Taylor, 2013

Money, money, money!

Truth be told, I’ve never been bothered by money. It’s never been my motivation in life and still isn’t. However, I’ve realized recently that because of that, there’s a part of me that has kept it at bay, too, because I didn’t want to seem selfish or materialistic.  Sound familiar?

Many of us are so programmed to ‘focus on service’ that the tendency to want to give help away for free or for very little is at our own expense. I’ve heard from countless people who believe that because something is ‘natural’ to them it doesn’t feel right to charge for it. But you know what? We are meant to do what is natural to us, what brings us most joy, and right now, in the time we are in, money is the way we get to LIVE on the planet. It is the energy we give and receive in exchange for something else.

There are times that is has been very apparent to me. When I wanted to manifest money to record my CD for example, I was very specific about the amount required and I was clear and determined that it was going to happen so I could share my music. This was my dream and nothing was going to stop me. And it didn’t! The money arrived in miraculous ways. Similarly, when I want to take a class or travel, the money so often arrives because I see it as a must. There’s no other option. Well, then how come at other times it doesn’t seem so easy? I’ve realized at least for me, it’s because I put a limit on what I can receive. It’s almost as if I can focus on something specific to spend money on but then it goes almost as quickly as it arrives because I have ‘enough’ for that thing. But to have plenty, well, that’s another story!

I know deep down that the only limits there are in this Universe are the ones we place on ourselves and that if I truly want to live the life I desire (which includes helping others!) I must receive. It sounds obvious but the more we have, the more we can give and share. I’m always saying that my dream is to help people’s dreams come true. But I also say that it’s so important to learn to put ourselves first because that alone inspires others to do so, too!

So I’ve been listening to my own advice by changing my relationship to money and placing more value on it as an example of placing m ore value on myself. The possibilities are endless and while there’s no overnight change in my finances, it feels liberating to acknowledge my desire for a new level of abundance in my life and see how it shows up! Just imagine how amazing the world would be if everyone with heart-centred intentions allowed themselves to be wealthy! The places and the ways we’d spend money would completely change, followed by the ‘economy’ and the fear/lack mentality in the media and so on… We ARE the change we wish to see in the world!

I didn’t intend to share this on a day where many are celebrating Mother’s Day (it’s in March in the UK for some reason!) but it’s interesting to me that many women who usually give will hopefully be allowing themselves to receive love, time, gifts, etc! The feminine energy is indeed our receptive side and as women, when we allow ourselves to receive we also become more of who we are! And if you are a man reading this, you too! Balance is where it’s at and I’d say that it’s about time we made some changes to re-address that balance, don’t you?

I’m with you on the journey. Woohoo for abundance – including money –  for us all!

Much love,


Do You Feel Behind?

It feels like AGES since I last posted a message here – and that’s probably because it is! There are no excuses except that I’ve had a lot to juggle and sometimes there are things that get left behind.

The only thing with that is, I felt bad about not writing and especially so when I’ve found myself needing to rest because I’ve felt like I ‘should’ be doing something. Like writing to you!

However, as I am reminded of the words I’ve shared with you in a previous post ‘Would I say that to my best friend?’  I realize the answer – no, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t be so harsh with anyone needing to take a break. So instead, I have just had to let it be, knowing that my blog and those who read it would still be here when I had the time and the inspiration to post. And now I do!

I actually spent most of my young life feeling like I needed to ‘play catch up’. From as far back as I can remember, I worked hard to do the things that my friends and family had done before me – crawling, walking, playing sports, going out, working, earning money – they were all things I did later than usual and nothing ever felt good enough because there was always something MORE to do to be like everyone else. Nobody ever actually said that but I never felt particularly acknowledged for what I WAS doing and so in my head I was constantly battling with the need to ‘do better’.

Of course, I now understand that there is always more to do. Life is full of opportunities. However, that doesn’t mean I, or any of us,  have to compare where we are with others and then decide that it isn’t enough, neither do we have to spend our time focused on what we haven’t done yet!

The Angels recently spoke to me and said:

‘You have not missed out, you have not been left behind and there is nothing you need to do to catch up. Where you are right now is perfect. Be fully present and enjoy the gift that is this moment.’

That’s the thing. We ARE exactly where we need to be. Even when things feel stuck. Actually, especially when things feel stuck! We’ve just finished a Mercury retrograde (where the planet seemingly goes backwards) which is a period of time that allows us all to reflect, re-evaluate, release, to re-visit. Any of those sound familar? The intensity is not always easy and I’m breathing a sigh of relief that we can begin to feel movement again too, but just like the ebb and flow of the tide we need those quiet, reflective times so that the next steps forward again can be even more wonderful! I have found myself needing to be very still this past week and while my ego likes to argue with that, I also trust that is what I need so I’ve done my best to honour that and just BE.

So whatever you haven’t done, whatever isn’t happening, whatever you feel behind with, RELAX! Let go of guilt and of any ‘should’ or ‘have to’ because they will only weigh you down and rob you of the gift of where you are which is completely and utterly Divine.

And you know what? When you remember that everything flows anyway. Promise. 😉

Much love and compassion to you,


Exchanging Pain for Peace

It’s been an intense few days, I must admit. I’ve not slept very well, because my body has been less than comfortable and the not sleeping has only added to my uncomfortableness. Throw in some nausea and well, you get the picture!

I’ve dealt with various physical challenges and illnesses through my life, and while I am well now, people often assume I must be ‘good at dealing with pain’. I would disagree. I am not good with it at all and quite frankly, don’t want to be. Because it’s not who I am.

However, I have realized that ‘fighting’ my body doesn’t work either. There are a million different ‘why’s’ and ‘how comes’ that I’ve asked myself over the years and the reasons may be apparent sometimes, but not always. When this is the case, whether it be a physical or emotional challenge, it can become easy to slip into  ‘why me?’ but that doesn’t work either. That’s victim-hood and serves no one. That is saying ‘I am the pain. The pain is me.‘ The truth is, life happens and if I take a look around, I am humbly aware that each one of us goes through struggles. Hand on my heart, most days I consider myself incredibly blessed.

And so, in times of pain or difficulty, I do my best to ask myself what I can do, what I do have control over, because no matter the circumstances, I can decide how I react. And anyone who knows me well, knows that sometimes my reactions are downright ugly! Ha! However, after talking to some dear friends of mine today,  I realized that the heaviest weight we can all carry about our circumstances is guilt. The kind that lurks in background and says:

‘I should know better!’ ‘I’ve done so much to help myself, what am I missing?’ ‘I am obviously doing something wrong to still be dealing with this!’ ‘I’m clearly not as spiritual as them if i am dealing with this.’ 

Believe it or notI once had a so-called friend tell me that until I was free of my wheelchair and walking like everyone else, I would not be in my power! Needless to say, I was not the one who had forgotten her power and our friendship was never the same after that!

Anyway, I digress. Those questions are another form of victimhood and fear. So how ever much we’ve been taught to analyse ourselves, how much good do these lurking thoughts actually do us, other than to further beat ourselves up? None! How much energy could we save by turning our attention away from trying to figure things out and focusing on what nurtures us? A lot! And how much do we believe that we have to suffer to grow or to teach others? How much do we believe that we are so used to suffering that is just part of what we have to deal with? Perhaps far more than we realize…

So today I made the decision to let go. To let go again. Because I can. To interrupt the patterns that keep me bound in my experience and say ‘I exchange all pain for peace’.

Mother Mary and the Angels who so lovingly encircle themselves around me, reminded me of the power of those words and so I share them with you, too. And if you are still in pain, that’s OK. I will not proclaim to feel 100% great either. But I do feel more at peace with whatever is happening and that makes all the difference in the world because it gives me hope and that means anything is possible! Woohoo! I believe in miracles!

I love you and all your challenges. But I see beyond them. I see you. And I choose to see myself in the same light.
